New Year Wishes from Sue


Happy New year to all my lovely readers. I hope this wet and windy January finds you in good spirits and ready to grasp the opportunities of 2017.

I work full-time so it was lovely to have a rare fortnight off to spend with my new granddaughter. I still can’t believe I got old enough to be a granny – how did that happen? But she is lovely and already interested in storybooks about princesses.

Confession time. I realise this is not considered “normal” but I’m quite a fan of January. All those new days ahead, who knows what might happen! I do love the smell of a nice new diary. There’s something exciting about all those pristine pages, just waiting to be filled up with nonsense.
I’m not much of a planner. Or one for new-year resolutions. I’m surrounded by people on new-year health kicks, or planning to start one as soon as they’ve eaten all the Christmas chocolates. Me, I just want to find more quality time for writing.

I did quite a bit over the holidays. Third novel is coming along well and I have a couple of short stories in draft. I promise to let you know when they’re good to go. I’m quite a slow writer. Does it sound better if I say “perfectionist”? For me, writing is therapy and it’s important to enjoy it.
I’ve had some great feedback from readers who have enjoyed my novels so far. Sales were good over the holiday period and I acquired more excellent Amazon reviews. Thanks to any of you who took the time to leave one. If you haven’t yet, I really would appreciate a few words.

Thank you so much for subscribing to my newsletter. I’d love to hear about your celebrations or plans for 2017. Feel free to contact me by email at or on Twitter @suelilleyauthor

Warmest new-year wishes
Sue Lilley